Moon Walking in Front of the Sun

“The” eclipse has come and gone.  But the effects of the eclipse are present and strongly influencing our current stories.  Whether we were in the path of totality, or on the other side of the globe, the eclipse energy effects each and every one of us.   At a solar eclipse, the new moon crosses in front of the sun.  It is a unique moment when the energy of the moon (feminine) overrides the energy of the sun (masculine).   In this moon cycle, (from last week’s new moon to the following new moon onSeptember 19th), we are being given an opportunity to experience the deeper resonance of the feminine within our personal stories and on a larger collective scale.   This month we have an opportunity to FEEL the experiences that are coming through our fields (as opposed to seeing them).  We have the opening to RECEIVE insights, gifts, awarenesses.  We have permission to be VULNERABLE in our hearts and in our relationshiops.  We are being called to navigate our paths from a much deeper intuitive presence.

I challenge you to experience these practices that are deeply anchored in the medicine of the feminine.   For me, being full with child and being in a month of extra-feminine is almost overwhelming.  But there is so much healing to be done when what lives in the shadow is brought to the light.  Parts of ourselves that are longing to be seen and heard, are now being given a place to show up.  Make space for these parts of yourself to arise and listen.  

The music that is coming through our cosmos is exquisite.  It is here for all to hear, our only job is to remember to listen deeply. 


Autumn refinement

As we enter into the heart of fall, there are many options of where we are putting our ...
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Honoring our Plant Allies

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Everything You Do Matters

Sometimes we sit back and watch what is taking place in the world around us – both at ...
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