Welcome to my blog, where you will find stories about plants, conscious awakening, and seasonal reflections, along with resources related to energetic purification, herbal recipes, and practices for connection.
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Teachings of the River: Spiritual Keystone Species
The river holds medicine, a connection and doorway to other realms of existence. The Spiritual Keystone Species carry such important spiritual offerings that there would not be another being who could replace them if they were not there. Examples of Spiritual Keystone Species include the beaver, salmon and willow tree.
Clarity and Sediment
There is something deeper that has been stirred up in the collective experience. It’s the theme of uncertainty, it’s the stirring up of sediment that has comfortably settled on the bottom of the river for decades, maybe for centuries.
Everything You Do Matters
Sometimes we sit back and watch what is taking place in the world around us – both at the intimate small scale of home life or at the bigger scale of climate change, Covid, planetary awakening – and we think “nothing that I do really matters”. It doesn’t matter if I spend my day puttering…
The Gift of Receiving
As we look at the imbalances in the world, the question often arises – how can I give back? What can I give to support our community and earth? The key lies in how capable you are in receiving. By receiving, our cup grows and expands. By receiving, our light expands outwards and is shared with the world.
Opportunity: Coming towards a port
Each time that I sit with higher consciousness and ask about this current time, I am told, “this is an OPPORTUNITY”. This opportunity is personal, it is collective, it is planetary. The word opportunity comes from the Latin phrase ob portum veniens, which means “coming towards a port”, which refers to a favorable wind blowing…
Healing takes work
Healing ourselves takes courage and commitment, repairing the earth takes dedication. It’s not a quick snap of the fingers, healing is a journey. As we heal ourselves, face our fears, and clean up our unfinished business, we are in turn paving the way for doing the same things for the earth. This is the time…
Mushroom Medicine: Chaga
As the new paradigm unfolds, let’s look to one of the oldest life forms on the planet that can offer profound healing and support for the current time — fungus. Chaga (Inonotus obliquus) has cycled through my kitchen over the past many years. Recently, it has become a staple and one of the most beneficial…
Speaking of the Trees
When I close my eyes, I see lungs that are filled with the light and oxygen of the richest forests. I feel the vibrant green chlorophyll of the plants gently calming any fears. I smell the rich soil as springtime emerges in the forest. I hear the hum of the tallest evergreen trees, holding the…
Befriending the Trees
Befriending the trees involves slowing down in order to connect with them. We live in a world where we move fast, keep our heads down, and our success is often measured by wealth and material belongings. The world of the trees moves slowly, with their heads up towards the sun, with success measured by how…
Ginger Onion Tea Immune Boost
Bring on the heat! Keeping our bodies warm is one key to staying healthy. This delicious and very simple tea keeps the body resilient against colds and viruses. Ingredients: 2 inches fresh ginger root grated 1 onion honey (to desired sweetness) 4-6 cups water Boil water in pot on stove. Grate ginger. I like using about…
Inviting Beauty
At moments along my journey, just as all of us, I have reached moments of discouragement and despair. And at the moment when I bottom out, I hear the phrase “Remember who you are”. That phrase acts as a life raft and when I hold onto it, it brings me back to where I need…
Inner Beauty Mask
Inner Beauty Mask – beauty that shines from the inside out 1. Put your face into the earth’s soil and breath. Let the earth’s aroma fill your lungs and flood through all of your systems. 2. Listen to bird songs. Listen not just with your ears, but with your skin. 3. Dance, sway, swing. Allow your…
Turmeric Lemonade
This delicious drink is refreshing, detoxifying and anti-inflamatory. Enjoy! 5 cups filtered water 1 to 2 teaspoons turmeric powder 1/4 -1/2 cup lemon juice 2 –4 tablespoons honey Optional pinch of black pepper to activate curcumin in turmeric Optional garnish of basil leaf and lemon slices Boil water in pot. Add turmeric powder and…
Communicating with Plants
There is an innate intelligence through all of life on earth and the sentience of plants is no exception. There are so many forms of plant awareness and communication. At the biological level, plants communicate through the chemicals that live in their bodies. At the energetic/spiritual level, plants communication through vibration. Vibration is not limited…
Honoring our Plant Allies
Choose a plant that lives close to you, whether it be in your backyard or potted in your living room. On a daily basis, begin bringing your attention to this plant. It could be through simple greetings, putting a piece of the plant on your altar, envisioning it during your meditation practice. If it’s ingestible,…
Featured Plant: Lupine
Healing through Generosity The lupines are one of the members of the nitrogen-fixing legume family of plants that bring such benefit to land in need of regeneration. There are many areas around the globe that have been so devestated by invasive species and disturbances of all kinds, stripping the soil of it’s nutrients. When lupine…
Moon Walking in Front of the Sun
“The” eclipse has come and gone. But the effects of the eclipse are present and strongly influencing our current stories. Whether we were in the path of totality, or on the other side of the globe, the eclipse energy effects each and every one of us. At a solar eclipse, the new moon crosses…
Meditation :: Divine Feminine
Regardless of whether we are male or female, we all have divine feminine and divine masculine energy within us. It is valuable to have a relationship with each part of ourselves, to be able to connect to them as we walk our paths. Coming into balance with the divine feminine within us is about releasing…
Eclipse Cycle for Change
Today, February 10th, we are entering into the first eclipse cycle of the year. An eclipse cycle always begins with a full moon lunar eclipse and is followed by a new moon solar eclipse. The two week period between the eclipses is the juicy window filled with space for personal growth. What I…
Salt for Energy Cleansing
Throughout normal daily life, we will encounter a wide variety of people, places, and all types of energetic signatures. During an eclipse window, however, these energies tend to be amplified and it’s an especially important time to be doing regular energetic cleansing. One of my favorite tools for energy cleansing is salt. This can be…
Balancing Confidence and Humility
We now find ourselves on the cusp between seasons; winter is turning into spring. The sun is returning from the darkness of winter, lighting the sky for more hours each day. We have reached the midway point between the winter solstice and the spring equinox. It’s the time of year of Imbolc (Celtic: beginning of…
Nourishing the Kidneys
In Chinese medicine, each season is associated with an organ of the body. Winter is connected to the Kidneys, which holds the body’s most basic and fundamental energy. When we harmonize ourselves with the seasons we can stay healthier and more vibrant. Therefore at this time of year, it’s a good time to strengthen the…
Tools for Prayerwork
Want to help the world? What to do? Pray. I have learned over the years that prayer work is much more about listening then talking. And prayers can look a thousand ways. There is no “correct” way to pray. But I find that following some simple guidelines can help to steer us in the…
Furthering Hope
At this time of year when the veil between the worlds is most thin, we are being shown our personal shadows and those of the culture we live in. Insights from Tamara Newmoon.
Slow Down
Yes, I’m talking to you. We are in a time of massive acceleration. The planet is in a state of immense change and collective transformation. What was once our baseline experience has dramatically sped up and life is moving faster. With all of the smart technology, we are being bombarded with constant stimulation and the…
Finding balance: creating an earth altar
There are many practices that can support us in returning to balance, connecting with life, and slowing down. One of my favorite practices is builing earth altars. It can be done in 5 minutes or 5 hours. It is less about what is made, and more about the intention and energy behind the creation. As…
Gratitude invites connection
We all know the importance of gratitude. In the modern mindfulness movement, there are abundant books, articles, and conversations on the importance of gratitude. But, when we look at gratitude at the level of the energy body, what do we see? Gratitude softens us and opens us to connection. In my practice of psychic readings,…
Tulsi: Gratitude as tea
One of my favorite daily rituals is drinking tea. Morning, noon, night, it’s always a great time for a cup of tea. I rotate teas by season and one of my favorite herbs to work with in the winter is Tulsi, Holy Basil, India’s Queen of herbs. Sweet and lovely Tulsi. She uplifts us, she…
Autumn refinement
As we enter into the heart of fall, there are many options of where we are putting our attention and energy. The days are getting shorter, and the natural tendency at this time of year is to slow down and turn within. This is an appropriate and strong time to reflect on our life, on…
Herbal bath for purification
Herbal baths are deeply relaxing and purifying. The herbal bath recipe below is one of my favorites. It is gentle, yet purifying. The bath has a combination of benefits. The herbs are cleansing and soothing, the salt is detoxifying, and sitting in steaming water is just so good! I’d suggest adding 3 cups of…
Solstice Earth Altar
The summer is a wonderful time of year to be outdoors and to relish in the beauty of the natural world. The earth gives to us unceasingly and it’s always wonderful to make time to return energy to the earth. Creating an earth altar is one way to do this! An earth altar is a…
~~ Summer Solstice ~~
As we approach the summer solstice, the sun grows stronger, the light pierces deeper, and more is illuminated. With illumination comes transformation. This year in particular the transformation is profound, alive, and pulsing. Everyone on the planet is feeling it. In my work with clients there is an overarching desire for truth and a readiness…
Herbal wisdom ~ nettles!
Walking through the woods, one of the indicators that the spring has returned is the abundance of stinging nettles. Smelling their subtle fragrance is a sure sign that the days are getting longer and the summer is near. The stinging nettle (latin: Urtica diotica) is one of the true wonders of the plant world. It…
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