Nourishing the Kidneys

In Chinese medicine, each season is associated with an organ of the body. Winter is connected to the Kidneys, which holds the body’s most basic and fundamental energy. When we harmonize ourselves with the seasons we can stay healthier and more vibrant. Therefore at this time of year, it’s a good time to strengthen the Kidneys.

To benefit the Kidneys, it’s helpful to emphasize gently warming tea (ginger and cinnamon), to eat Kidney-nourishing foods (beans, root vegetables, seaweeds, dark leafy greens), and to drink bone broth (fresh stock made with chicken or beef bones).

Homemade ginger tea:
– Grate up about 2 inches of fresh ginger root
– Boil in a small pot of water for at least 30 minutes
– Strain and add honey (optional)
(I like my ginger tea super duper spicy strong, but you can always add some water at the end if it’s too strong for you).


Eclipse Cycle for Change

Today, February 10th, we are entering into the first eclipse cycle of the year.    An eclipse cycle ...
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Slow Down

Yes, I’m talking to you. We are in a time of massive acceleration. The planet is in a ...
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Inviting Beauty

At moments along my journey, just as all of us, I have reached moments of discouragement and despair.  ...
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